The 10th ISDEV International Graduate
Workshop is the tenth of a series initiative to encourage related research in
Islamic dimension. It is a continuity of the ninth ISDEV Graduate Workshop that
was jointly organized by the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies
(ISDEV) and Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS). This annual event aims to
achieve the following objectives:
1. Provide a platform for post-graduate students from
all over the world who are doing Islamic-based research to present their works
for discussion and evaluation.
2. Provide wider opportunities to academicians and
post-graduate students to interact openly and build networking.
Papers presented in this graduate workshop encompassed
various discipline related to Islam such as, but not limit to:
- Islamic-based development
- Islamic management and governance
- Islamic human development
- Management of Islamic development
- Islamic economics
- Islamic financial institutions
- Banking
- Non-banking
- Islamic assets management and instruments
- Waqf
- Zakat
- Baitul Mal
- Faraidh
- Islamic marketing and business
- Islamic political economy
- Islamic politic and conflict
- Islamic research methodology
- Islamic thought
- Islamic service management
- Falak
- Other Islamic-related fields
1. Those who plan to pursue studies and Master or
PhD level in any fields with special reference to Islamic perspective.
2. Those who are currently a post-graduate
student and conducting Islamic-based research in any fields of study.
3. Those who have completed studies at Master or
PhD level in the year of 2014 or 2015 in any Islamic-based fields.
4. Thesis supervisors, lecturers and anyone who
is interested.
Paper presenters can be anyone of the first three categories
only. However, lecturer-cum-supervisor of a thesis can participate in the
workshop as a participant. This is to allow those in the first three categories
to experience writing, though could be guided by their supervisors and
presenting their papers independently in an international academic gathering.
English or Malay.
1. Paper submitted to the workshop must be original and
have not been submitted, presented or published in any other academic meetings
and publications.
2. Abstract and full paper must be sent via e-mail.
Acceptance of the paper will also be sent via the same method.
The length of the full paper must not exceed 15 single
space pages, excluding tables and figures. The typeface used should be Times
New Roman font 12 pt (APA format) with 1 inch margin on the left and right of
the page.
4. The title page must clearly indicates:
Title of the paper
Name of the author
Research Field
Level of Studies
Department(s) and affiliation(s)
Mailing address
E-mail address
Phone numbers
Fax number
5. All registration fees are payable by cheque/bank
draft/postal order and should be made payable to ‘ISDEV’ and must be sent to
the organizer via post or pay directly to ISDEV’s bank account.
6. Each paper may be commented by an experienced lecturer
to assist author in improving his/her/their writing.
7. ISDEV has the copyright for all papers accepted.
Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in the form of an edited
8. Certificates will be given only to participants who participate
fully in the 2-day event of this workshop.